Best and Complete SEO Checklist Updated on 2022

We provide a complete SEO checklist here, and this checklist will be divided into three. There are 3 types of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and they are mentioned below.

  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO

Technical SEO checklist

SSL Certificate

You might notice the green lock icon beside the website URL. This icon is shown because this website is secure. You should implement HTTPS on your website. There is a plugin called Really Simple SSL, by using this plugin you can easily set up an SSL certificate.

Page Speed

Page speed is one of the most important SEO factors nowadays. There are many tools to check page speed like Google page Speed Test, GT Matrix. Google Page Speed Test shows you the reason of slow down the page. Solve all of them, it will firster your website. Generally, good hosting can boost your site speed.

Search Engine Indexing

Obviously, we know that indexing is the most important part of SEO. Because every search shows its result from an indexed page. Usually, google index your pages and post automatically, but sometimes they don’t. The best practice is to fetch your URL in Google Search Console by URL Inspection. Ohh we all forgot that there are few search engines except Google. We should index our website in other search engine like Bing, Baidu, Yandex, etc


Create a beautiful logo for your website. A creative and beautiful logo increase your brand image and create positivity among your visitor. Google also uses a logo in schema markup tag.


Favicon is the small logo on the left side of the tab. We open lots of tabs when we browse the internet. Favicon gives your website an identity among others tabs.

Mobile-friendly website

As we all know Google takes a mobile-first indexing policy since July 1, 2019. So, your website should be mobile-friendly. If you are a WordPress user then don’t worry almost every theme is mobile-friendly. Choose one of them and customize your site for mobile. Test your site is mobile-friendly or not before indexing.

Duplicate content

If you write your own article then ok, but if you outsource your content from the writer then you should check your content plagiarism-free. Duplicate content will rank never, even it will hamper your good content ranking. Always remember content is the king. There are some free and paid services for plagiarism checking. Some of them are Copyscape and Grammarly. But I personally recommend you to use Google dorks and that is “” (double quote mark). Place your sentence between the double quote mark and search it on Google, it will find you the website URL if that sentence is found anywhere.

XML sitemap

HTML sitemap

AMP Enable website

Canonical tags

Remove broken links (404 pages)

301 redirects

Add Structured Data Markup on the website

Use google analytic and search console

Add Robots.txt file

Reduce webpage size

Complete SEO Checklist 2022
Technical SEO Checklist 2022

On-Page SEO checklist

  1. Include Your Keyword in Your URL
  2. Use Short URLs
  3. Front-Load Your Keyword in Your Title Tag
  4. Embed Title Tag Modifiers
  5. Use Your Keyword Once in The First 150 Words
  6. Use Your Keyword in H1, H2, or H3 Tags
  7. Use Synonyms and LSI Keywords
  8. Use External Links
  9. Use Internal Links
  10. Perform keyword research to find the top keywords.
  11. Choose one primary keyword for your content.
  12. Make sure the primary keyword isn’t assigned to another piece of content.
  13. Choose three to five related keywords for your content.
  14. Create a content plan for your keyword.
  15. Write a title that includes the primary keyword.
  16. Wrap the title in an H1 tag.
  17. Write more than 600 words of the body content.
  18. Write original content.
  19. Write high-quality content.
  20. Write for an eighth-grade reading level.
  21. Add the primary keyword to create a 2-3% keyword density.
  22. Use each related keyword at least once in the body copy.
  23. Make your content scannable.
  24. Wrap subheadings in an H2 tag.
  25. Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading.
  26. Use the primary keyword in the first and last paragraph of the content.
  27. Add relevant internal links using targeted anchor text.
  28. Add relevant links to high-quality sites.
  29. Set outbound links to open a new page.
  30. Assign relevant tags and categories (if it’s a blog post).
  31. Add an optimized meta title.
  32. Add an optimized meta description.
  33. Add structured data markup.
  34. Add social sharing links.
  35. Proofread your content.
  36. Check your work.

Image SEO Checklist

  1. Size the image properly.
  2. Add at least one image.
  3. Add the primary keyword to the image file name.
  4. Add the primary keyword to the image title.
  5. Add the primary keyword to the image alt tag.
  6. Optimize Images

Off-page SEO Checklist

  1. Gain powerful backlink by guest posting
  2. Image sharing
  3. Slide sharing
  4. Audio/podcast sharing
  5. Video sharing
  6. Research your competitor’s backlink profile
  7. Build links from relevant sites
  8. Focus on quality, not quantity

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